About Water Environment Forum
Water Environment Forum (WEF) is a forum for water environment professionals of Pakistan to come together to achieve WEF mission through one or more of WEF objectives.
It is a non profit and non government organisation formed by water environment professionals, to protect water environment interests of Pakistan for the benefit of its people at national, regional and international forums.
Water Environment Forum (WEF) is registered, in July 2014, with the Registrar in Islamabad under Trust Act 1882 as a Trust. It is managed by Executive Committee and has an Advisory Committee. All these positions are honorary.

All grants, contributions, donations received and income generated out of services and projects offered by WEF shall, after meeting the costs and expenses of operations, belong to WEF and used for achieving its mission and objectives and shall not be distributed for the benefit of Officers of WEF namely: Chairperson, Secretary snd Treasurer; members of Ececutive Committee; Advisory Committee; Trustees and Members of WEF.
It is located in the capital city of Islamabad with membership from all areas in Pakistan namely: Azad Jammu & Kashmir(AJK), Baluchistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Gilgit Baltistan (GB), Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Khyber Pakhtun Khwa (KPK), Punjab and Sindh.
Key objectives are:
1. Sustainable Development of water environment and to develop solutions through research.
2. Act as Think Tank in area of water environment including Climate Change and creating public awareness of the challenges in these areas.
3. Networking amongst the water environment community within the country, region and globally.
4. Provide services of Consultancy and Skill Development and hold Training, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences at national, regional and international level.
5. Support Food Security efforts by preserving glaciers and increasing water availability.